I wouldn't argue any of this. But here we are a decade and a half after the 2008 crash (sic). And mostly nothing has changed. I can hear voices screaming oh lots has changed, blah blah blah. And they are right , Im sure. On a certain level. The dollar is doomed, eventually. So is the US as global imperialist power....eventually. But i see that eventuality is something like twenty years. The resource question is so loaded and so full of contradictions I hesitate to broach it. I say that because I would argue almost certainly the public is not told the whole story, or maybe any of the story. Electric cars and not sustainable. The grid is already overloaded. My guess is someone, China maybe, musk maybe, or both or others will have found a new lighter battery that uses tangerines or plastic waste to fuel it. Something. But i could be wrong. We are either watching absolutely deranged sociopaths running the asylum, or we are simply not told anything remotely like the truth. And this is a bit how i feel about bourgeois economics. My mind freezes a bit. Why? because in the end the authority structure, the ruling class, will make new rules.

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“ We are either watching absolutely deranged sociopaths running the asylum, or we are simply not told anything remotely like the truth”…. I love this. It’s possible that both these things are happening at once.

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It's looking like the perfect economic storm, isn't it? The ultimate doom spiral as decades worth of stored chickens come home to roost ... a fully charged chicken battery ready to discharge its energy....

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Exactly. The regime's fix for the 2008 financial crisis was to kick the can down the road: transfer toxic assets from private balance sheets to public ones, prop up the banksters who caused the crash with trillions of printed dollars, and change nothing about the underlying economy or financial system to prevent the next disaster. So now the private debt bubble has been reinflated, while the public debt bubble has grown to obscene proportions that can never be deflated without causing massive problems -- meaning it will eventually have to release itself via a cataclysmic "pop." When these chickens come home to roost, they will be mutant chickens with fangs and a bloodthirsty appetite.

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What's that phrase ... you are what you eat?

I like chicken. and I think I shall enjoy the taste of those mutant fanged chickens all the more for the challenge.

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Interesting. In my neck of the woods, people are expecting a massive increase in property values here shortly. It makes me think the area is scheduled to become the next PMC-topia, as they flee the desolation that they wrought in the coastal cities.

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