The DemocRats create crises so they can pretend to solve them with measures that create more crises.

Now, they are all about solving their energy crisis by causing a nuclear war.

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Well done!

With the amount of oil still available it comes down to who controls the best EROEI.

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Thanks. I mean, yeah. I can't really figure it out in any other way. Since the economy is necessarily a complex physical system, its activity must be circumscribed by available net energy. And due to the EROEI factor, absolute reserves become less important than quality and infrastructure.

And have we peaked? I mean, I have a hard time seeing alternative explanations of the data. Are there other answers to why production has plateaued and dropped? I mean, there could be other hard resource bottlenecks that hamper economic growth and crush demand, but what are those in that case?

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I've reduced it down to soil fertility. The nutritional quality of the food. The people don't have the same enduring get up and go that they used to.

A barrel of oil has the equivalent of 20,000+ hours of human labor, humans can easily justify paying $1000 a barrel, so its something else on the price side. Maybe something like the economic system itself requires the spread between low prices and high ability. Support all the people who don't do anything. Maybe you can better put that into words if you put some thought into this.

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Thanks, man. That was like a slap in the face, no, a bucket of cold water over my head, which by the way has an excellent EROI. I'm shivering so hard I could power my own house.

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Fossil fuels are probably running out (assuming they're really fossil and not abiotic, in which case they may be far more abundant than expected), but there is a vast amount of uranium and thorium still available, sufficient to power industrial civilization for a long time to come. I wouldn't count us out, yet.

To a large degree, I think that the general pessimism of our age is due to several decades of technological advancement being stalled, and even rolled back, due to the deliberate interference of a sociopolitical order that wants to dismantle Faustian civilization.

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Was referred, enjoyed the read. While my own perspective differs slightly (I reserve the possibility that oil and gas are renewables, but the PTB do not want the general public to know that), I very much believe Western civilisation is almost at its zenith, and a steep precipice awaits us on the other side.



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It's not all Gloom & Doom...There's all those Free-Energy device patents that were surpressed...They are waiting for The Right Moment to market the devices...The Energy will be Free, but the devices & technology are a fortune waiting to be made...(I suspect They are waiting for everyone to invest their capital in 're-nuwbles' = trillions will be lost on stranded tech when the Freebies are made available)...

And dont give up on the US/NATO in the war to weaken Russia...DARPA is waiting for the Right Moment to use those secret high-energy earth-shattering weapons it's reputed to have...

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You have laid out a very compelling argument that the controllers are looting the cupboard and getting ready to set the house on fire and make a run for it.

As good as it is, I believe it leaves us far short on getting a 30,000 ft view on what is really going on. We are not dealing with just an international crime syndicate and a world running out of oil. There are other forces at work beyond the material reality that we can percieve. We are engaged in a spiritual war. And as such, this realm is not at all what it appears to be. And that includes concepts such as linear time, energy sources, FTL travel/ communication, and the (currently)unimaginable potential of humanity to transcend and transmute our own journey through the realms. And remember - energy, and basically absolutely everything we think we know about this reality has been taught to us by the enemy. For ex -let's also consider "fossil" fuels is a psyop- from the get. Never forget that they lie about EVERYTHING. They specialize in deception, theatre, misdirection. Why would the fairy tale story about dinosaur bones making a vital limited resource be any different?

God is incomprehensible abundance, Love is eternal, all powerful. Satan is fear based, scarcity, darwinism, dog eat dog. Lightning flashes, tympani drums and swirling cesspools of nonsense. The story of fiat money collapse, fossil fuel scarcity and looming overpopulation are the cheap jump scares of the liars and decievers.

Like Rumi said-

Do not believe the lies.

Start a large, foolish project- like Noah.

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you are calling for sustained faith through realistic actions in the darkest of times. History teaches us we have been through this before. And we recreate. Yet it always seems to end up here. What part of the human brain fails to remember and learn from the past? I believe there is a flaw in humans that can not remember nor process trauma. What is buried resurrects in destructive actions.

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Such a superb article. Thankyou so much.

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Is the reorganization of community for survival (i.e. local farms etc) a realistic pursuit in light of total collapse? And if so do humans still have the abilities and skills necessary to pursue and create healthy sustainable human life and societies since the financial, economic and spiritual destruction of Covid and resource proxy wars? I wonder if those who remain will have the will and intelligence to rebuild ? Probably maybe or doubtful?

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I have now completed part 2 of my series "Clean Energy Transition"


Please review & comment. Thanks.

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Mar 26, 2023
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I think it's hard to wrap one's head around this. It's been for me. The fundamental myths of our culture and society are so dominant. I find my thoughts slipping back into the old grooves of progressivist narratives again and again.

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Can Progress be stopped before it destroys everything ?

If, like 'The Future' that we hope for, IT owes it's energies to unconscious, repressed desires, are we all Doomed ? Is it delusional to think we are Masters of anything ?

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Important questions. Ask your god and follow what you here. The JudeoChristian gives the message “be strong and courageous” in the face of impossible odds. And stay dialed in there.

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