Funny you quote Orwell because this war sounds like it's straight out of 1984... A perpetual bullshit war that somehow continues even though Ukraine lost so many soldiers and even they showed old people being conscripted years ago. How in the fk do they still have the ability to keep fighting? 🤔 Hmmm

If the US wanted to attack Russia with long range missles, why Ukraine and not from Finland or Poland? Another hmmm.

Meanwhile this war is going on, Russia is still allowed to transit gas through Ukraine's pipeline and pays them for it.

Finally, nukes are never going to be used. Lt col L Fletcher Prouty did books and videos on this. After ww2, the PTB switched to wars of attrition, like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine....

No winner and no loser because a loser can just launch nukes.

Oh and there's the idiocy of Russia to talk nuclear in response to conventional shitty US weapons. Why bring it up immediately? Oh right, keep the plebs scared, a la 1984.

See how Orwellian it is? This is why I stopped worrying about this cold war 2.0, which is as bullshit as the original cold war.

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One would have imagined that advocates for WWIII, or, worse, those bent on provoking such a conflict, would by now have realised that none of the participants in such hostilities could emerge unscathed - even if one or more had struck first. The technological capacity to retaliate from the grave would doom them all to catastrophic levels of death and destruction. None would be an outright victor.

More to the point, one would have thought that proponents of such a fiasco would also have understood that a world war would, by definition, involve China, reluctantly, but inescapably. And on the side of Russia.

It beggars belief to think that Beijing would do otherwise. For better or worse, its existential interests are inseparable from those of Moscow. Only hubris on the part of the West could cause NATO member states to believe that threats of fire and fury would deter China from doing so.

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There is no strategy coming from anyone in the west. Only self fucking


”To be an actual American thinker is like being the man wearing pants at an orgy. The place is busy fucking itself, don't interrupt, please.”

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In this sense, the West has cleverly maneuvered Russia into a corner from which it’s going to be very difficult to escape, but this is also why the situation should be quite alarming for the rest of the world as well.


Putin is just another variation on the theme of a fucked up, know it all, shallow white ghost, like Trump and Biden. This is the Century of the Jew, and JEWS are in the driver's seat with Israel, UK, USA, 14 Eyes, Ukraine, ME.

Zyklon Blinken has done his magic. Putin and Team have almost zero idea of how perverted and warped the average AmeriKKKan is, and that the war machine in the USA may wear pink drag LGBTQA underwear, but in the end, this is a full-throttle war machine in all sectors of the Complex -- drugs, food, water, banking, AI, education, media, entertainment, medicine, mining, energy, oil.

Russians needed a thousand mother fuckers like myself to tutor them on the minds of AmeriKKKans, from Niggerized Austin/Raytheon to the fucking wife beaters just cumming all over themselves with the idea of more USA penetration.

Russia is a bit more than a gasoline station in the east, but it ain't going to take on BLackStoneRockVanguard. Snookered, that fucking old lawyeresque Putin is.

More Russians will die, and more AmeriKKKans will eat apple pie, even if it is $10 a slice.


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