This is your most important blog post. I arrived at certainty, sometime, whenever, better late than never, that everything that originates in the power apparatus of “the west” in its current form, is an absolute negative. Opposite of absolute good. Its origin and purpose to ENSHITTIFY everything, to hollow out, everything and everyone.

The noise plows through long enough already that many are trained in this shitshow only, having heard nothing else.

One of the steps needed out of this hell is rejection. Absolute rejection of every absolute negative forced into and through us. Absolute rejection of this establishment. All of it. Every fucking enshittified word it speaks.

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Thanks for those words. It means a lot to hear. I think the observation you're describing is absolutely crucial - the recognition of the profound iniquity of the political order under which we exist, and the inevitable affirmation of moral absolutes that goes along with such an insight.

And from that point, from that place of a basic moral certainty, one can not only mount this radical rejection of the dominant order and its sustaining myths can be mounted, but there also opens up a space for building something entirely different. First within ourselves, and then through our relationships and in the wider society.

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The inherent flaw with pessimism is that behind every pessimist is a let down idealist/optimist, it's a negation that requires precedent conditions.It is a particularly western form of pessimism because we are so weird regarding time, in that we abstract the past and the future as presently real to the point of ridiculousness.

Western people must live biographically, we cannot possibly conceive of our lives any other way, and this being the case we are so vulnerable to abstract idealism re the future and the world outside our immediate sensory present that we therefore are also vulnerable to crippling pessimism when our abstractions don't fit the real world.

The technological spectacle is just another abstraction that is easily dealt with by simply turning it off.

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The “mutual gaze into each other of two minds” can be extended by analogy to the mutual gaze of two social formations, up to the nation state level. One might say that a newborn infant cannot be conscious of its existence until its eyes lock on the eyes of its mother, and, when all goes well, she smiles and the infant smiles back. It’s a world of anarchy until individuals recognize each other’s boundaries and rights, and likewise until groups recognize each other’s boundaries and rights. All struggles of self-determination and nation-building depend on gaining recognition and thereby reducing external threats, reducing violence, and establishing ways to live in peace. Perhaps in this work of establishing mutual recognition, the individual who “finds no sense whatsoever to be made of existence” can find some sense. In the other direction, purpose can be found in working for the withdrawal of recognition as a way to stop crimes against humanity in what was already a massive outdoor prison in an occupied territory. No punishment is worse than banishment. Clarity about what needs to be done may silence the “cognitively dissonant noise.” I doubt the people of Gaza feel they are living in a “suffocating jumble of disjointed facts.” That’s a problem of people elsewhere. Palestinians know exactly what is happening and has been happening for decades.

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Those verses from Ecc. really speak to where I am after the last 4.5 years. I remind my wife every once in a while that I never asked to be here . . . I don't want to be here, and I find my parents despicable for not controlling their base desires, thereby dragging me into this terrifyingly evil realm.

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That's sounds like a harrowing insight. My 2020 was difficult as well. To my surprise, it really levelled me. But in that pitch black darkness, I could eventually make out much deeper truths than ever before.

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when the perceivers' cones of reality no longer intersect, there is no longer the resonance necessary to foment a coherent reality construct...

(that, plus an awareness of a purposeful,global system of democide and control- whether fully conscious or just a gnawing sense at the liminal boundary, tends to put a damper on things...)


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