Mar 22Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

It's not working.

Recently I had a friend asking about the true cause of polio.

She's not into the alternative, but she is now!

She searched for the factors that caused paralysis at the time.

All the search engines gave fact checks saying that there's no connection between polio and ddt/pesticides! 😂 🤡

Because of that, she suspected it.. before that, she had no idea that DDT was one of the reasons for the issues that was blamed on the bullshit virus lol.

Because of how blatant the fact checkers try to squeeze 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lb bag, it becomes obvious today to even her that there's something obscured.

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Mar 22Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

Great article. I think the whole concept of the “malinformation” should prove to us that the ruling class thinks of us as cattle, farmed, kept and unable (not allowed) to think for ourselves…

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Mar 22·edited Mar 23Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

Geopolitics & Empire podcast had Jeffrey E. Paul on to discuss his latest book:

"Winning America's Second Civil War: Progressivism's Authoritarian Threat, Where It Came from, and How to Defeat it" on the roots of 'Progressivism' in the US and how it came from (unfortunately) Germany’s 'state socialist' academics (humans have no natural rights) and the fact that that's where rich Yankees went to get PhDs as Germany was apparently the 1st nation to establish those (doctoral) programs. There was something linking that and what came a few decades later in Germany (Austrian painter), also the fact that since there was an inversion of meaning or usage, in the sense that what is today called Conservative was once a Liberal and vice-versa.

Overview of the mentioned plus another title on the subject:


But this presentation blew me away:


It finally provided me information which helped me put the massive transformation we've witnessed, esp in US society in the 30yrs I've lived there (1993 on), in context. Since I didn't go to college but obv saw it I first hand I felt I was missing something and that Prof Lyell Asher detailed history was just incredible.


Fortuitously righ after I watched an interview on UnHerd with (tenured) Harvard Prof Sandell with his book "The Tyranny of Meritocracy" .

Incredibly the video was titled "Why the Elites don't Deserve their Titles" and listening to Harvard Prof exposition of his ideas it seemed clear that the irony was lost on himself as to the fact that in my eyes he fit the video's title to a t


Way I read Prof Sandel's 'Meritocracy is a Tyranny' is that it may be that Meritocracy if applied would make it harder for the Prof Sandells of this world to have tenured position at Harvard. Oh lastly I was stunned seeing that while Prof Sandell is not only a tenured Harvard Prof but also an internationally known author, with publishing deals, book signings and a very long Wikipedia entry, Prof Asher doesn't even have a Wikipedia page at all !! Apologies for the lengthy comment/message

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Mar 22Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

Great post, thanks 🙏

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Oh, so probing Green's family, work history, statements, upbringing, associations, cliques, beliefs, religion, roots, motivations, convictions gets us in trouble? So I call her a modern Jewish Fascist. Thought police thug of the highest order. A Israel First White Supremacist. A sociopath. Power hungry woman. A misandrist. A Goyim Nanny. A genocide backer and planner.

Yikes, so the ghosts in her dirty machines now have wormed there way into your Substack and have targeted me for elimination? Public humiliation? Financial disenfranchisement?

Ahh, here's her Zionist and Jewish Supremacist roots. In a longer bio


A monster by any other name is a skinny jeans and hipster fascist.

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Mar 22Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

"they don’t really consider us sovereign human persons..." That got me thinking About the Jeffrey Paul 'Winning The second Civil War' about the history of American Progressivism and how it turned into today's Liberal Establishment.

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Mar 22Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

Can't wait to read, been bothered by the whole thing as if you take that issue and add the whole visual, deep fakes within still pics or moving images, plus AI what I see is 'they' are ensuring that literally nobody will take anything at face value, including what should be so that if the dissonancenso far manifested via the questioning of the 'sources' (I'm often told that my sources aren't to he trusted by NY Times subscribers) soon there will be a few more strong reason to delegitimize any information outside the official narrative, as ridiculous as it may be..

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Mar 22Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

A very good article, thankyou.

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