Yeah the real issue are the lipids, known before covid even.


I'm a bit confused as to why people are focusing on the plasmids, spike, uridine stuff.

That's like saying that an shot that's poison has been poisoned.

Academia is not making sense here by focusing on those superfluous things, ignoring the point that the PLATFORM is toxic.

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Well, the other factors surely exacerbate the situation. The generation of misfolded prions connected to the pseudouridine and the modification of the mRNA is really worrisome. The cytotoxic effects of spike antibodies would likely synergize with the cytotoxicity of the LNP and the inflammatory effects of transfection in terms of causing damage to the endothelium. The subsequent introduction of spike into nervous tissue, or into the brain where neurons are impacted is not really something you want to happen either.

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Damn, as I was posting on FU Book, the last posting, yours, this great piece, just got me "banned" for half a year.

Nanny Fascist State is the Continuing Criminal Enterprise run out of Unite 8200 and . . . .


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Sorry to hear that. And that's really astonishing. Imagine getting gagged and banned from public debate for just posting a link to a research overview. That's the sort of times we're living in.

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It was easy to figure out how to respond to your ‘article’:


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It is my understanding that the Nobel winners’ modification of the RNA allows it to survive quite a while in the human body, unlike natural messenger RNA; the inference is that more and ongoing damage is possible, isn’t it?

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Well, as far as I can tell (and I could be wrong), it's not a problem to have bits of modified mRNA floating around in the vascular system as such, but the specific modifications to preserve the RNA have problematic effects after the transfection process has taken place (see the section on the pseudouridines and codon optimization above).

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My impression was that spike production could go on for months, and ultimately every cell expressing it would be attacked and destroyed by our immune system as it would be recognized as foreign. In other words, months of inflammation.

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I've heard this myself, but I'm not sure exactly how spike production could persist just from the LNPs - there doesn't seem to be any mechanism for long-term production of spike past the degradation of the initial dose of LNPs. The susceptibility to further covid infections that the IgG4 class switch entails, could of course bring about this result.

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I have seen clinical studies showing some people have vaccine spike in their bodies up to 6 months after the vaccination; maybe it is just long-lived?

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Could be. Or it could be the result of ongoing covid infections that do not get cleared properly.

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And covid infections are diagnosed how? With a PCR test? It is obvious that questioning the real elephant in the room, the existence of sars coV2 itself is a step too far with many people. But if you are willing to look into the vaccine, why not go all the way and look into the existence of a "novel virus" and the PCR as an infection diagnosing tool, which it is not and never was designed to be.

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Could be. I haven’t looked for a study that addresses that. Maybe also spike protein can just stay a long time in our bodies.

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Excellent article, I have passed it on to as many people as I could. Thank you for writing it.

The not-vaccines are poisons, and many of us tried to warn against them, but few listened. Now, unfortunately, the chickens are coming home to roost in excess mortality rates around the world.

As far as journalists go, most of them are brain-dead retarded woke communists. They fellate the government, media, etc. and cannot be relied on for anything pertaining to the truth.

Curse the people who created the not-vaccines, and also the ones who tried to force it on so many human beings. They deserve to burn in hell.

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Thanks a lot. These are strange times indeed.

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These same people foisted a false flag on the world with a sham pandemic and fraudulent "virus" and this tactic or MO will be used over and over again to get people to comply in order to be safe from outside attackers. Not that the MO has changed much. It has simply evolved from outside terrorists, those invaders of darker skin and non-christian values looking to kill you because of your freedom to invading microbes, dead matter just waiting to hijack your cells and kill you because you have life. The elephant in the room...no pandemic, no novel virus...a complete sham. They are only able to perpetrate this fraud because they have advanced the digital panopticon. Where previously the fear could not travel fast enough to elicit the needed level of compliance, that technology is now in place and growing.

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Excellent summary, thanks Johan.

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Thanks so much. I couldn't really find another recent summary, but maybe there are better ones out there

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Astonished at the depth and extent you've gone here, Johan. Thank you. It's another round of ammo in our Resistance war chest.

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Thanks so much for the kind words. It was a bit of work. :)

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"We demonstrated, for the first time, that zebrafish injected with fragment 16 to 165 (rSpike)"

Are all of the studies you referenced in vitro? If so, how is that good science? Shouldn't a study attempt to mimic natural conditions? Shouldn't it attempt to mimic natural phenomena? If it studies so-called "infection", shouldn't it attempt to mimic so-called natural transmission?

Injection is 100% unnatural. Ditto for intubation.

In vitro -- How does studying something outside of its natural context & environment lead to meaningful data? The brain governs everything within a biological body. It defends the body's contents. So to look at bodily stuff outside of the body means to look at stuff that no longer receives any help or direction from the brain. It cannot behave naturally to whatever you assault it with in vitro.

Do you look at the Methodology section of the papers you referenced? Do you look at them critically & skeptically? Or do you merely trust "the science"?

If there is any thing unnatural in the methodology to acquire data, then that methodology & data must be rejected.

How skeptically have you looked at the subject of "spike proteins"?

No illness or disease has ever been proven to be contagious. You are welcomed to dispute this by copying & pasting the methodology section of any paper claiming to have proven any illness or disease has been contagious. Was it in vivo or in vitro? If in vitro, don't bother copying & pasting it. If it was in vivo, did it involve a robust number of healthy volunteers? Did it include a control/placebo group? Did it attempt to mimic so-called natural transmission? Did it involve any unnatural means such as injection, swabbing the nasal passages, or intubation? Did the scientists challenge their own conclusions? Was there a robust debate amongst the peer-reviewers?

A good debate between Virus vs No-Virus has yet to take place. There are actually a couple of debates needed beforehand >>

#1-- Do you believe it is possible to invent such a fraud as Germ Theory and for people to profit from it?

#2-- Are Koch's Postulates still relevant even though they were "invented" in the 1800s?

#3 -- Has the US/UK Government ever lied to its citizens?

If the debater doesn't believe such a fraud could be invented and that people could profit from it, then there's no point in debating the Germ Theory Fraud.

If the debater doesn't believe Koch's Postulates are still relevant, then no Germ Theory Fraud debate can take place.

If the debater doesn't believe the Governments lie to their citizens, then there is no point in debating the Germ Theory Fraud.

Copy & paste the methodology of any virus paper or paper claiming a pathogenic, contagious bacterium has been discovered, and I will point out the unnatural elements of said methodology. You seem more than capable of doing this yourself without my assistance, and yet, it's apparent you have not done so.

Learn for yourself that no illness has ever been contagious, and there are no viruses, and therefore no vaccine has ever been necessary. After that, you don't even need to bother with analyzing the heinous contents of any vaccine. You will know without a doubt that no vaccine has ever been safe, effective or necessary, and thus, you will refuse to be injected with ANYTHING.

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Thanks, and I see no response to your comment, just crickets. Big sigh, because I find that too many intelligent people think that questioning virology is a step too far. I spent three years looking into this, beginning with questioning the pandemic itself and then the mRNA vaccines, but when I kept going and learned how to dissect and understand the studies claiming sars coV2 was found, the non validity of PCR to detect an "infection/sickness" and then every other virus, it became apparent there is a huge fraud being perpetrated by a medical cartel. The fraud worked so well that obviously it will be used over and over again. Focusing on what is in the mRNA shots is good but does not go far enough because it keeps alive the BIGGEST LIE.

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Thank you.

Yea, crickets...

The crux of the Scientific Method lays squarely within a study or experiment's methodology. Are the methods SOUND? Given that science is supposed to be the study of nature/natural phenomena/experiences/events/manifestations, then is there anything UNNATURAL within the methodology used to acquire data?

Like a character said in Trainspotting, "Straight to the hard drugs". We go straight to the Methodology section of ANY scientific experiment or study and search for our prey which is anything unnatural within the methodology. The methodology should try its level best to attempt to mimic natural conditions & occurrences -- and in the case of so-called contagious illnesses, the methodology should do its best to mimic so-called natural transmission. There should not be anything unnatural, artificial , or synthetic.

The way we scrutinize the methodology in virus papers is the same way necessary to scrutinize any paper about any scientific study or experiment. It's the same way we must use when we research medicines & 5G & "nanobots" & "chemtrails" & so-called manmade climate change & weather modification, so on and so forth.

"too many intelligent people think that questioning virology is a step too far. "

Too many people have grown up fooled into believing that they are only allowed to research something scientific if they've gone to college. They've been fooled into believing that we can ONLY research a subject if we go to college. Been fooled into believing that any conclusions reached through nonacademic research are automatically inferior to academic indoctrination.

Each of us has the inviolable right to think about, research, talk about and write about ANY subject under the sun, ANY subject within humanity. We don't need anyone's permission or accreditation or qualification or certification or stamp of approval.

Keep on, keeping on, Wendy.

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Unfortunately academically trained medical professionals are taught a worldview rather than critical thinking. They tend to be some of the most indoctrinated. But I wholeheartedly agree with you that any experiment to prove or detect something that occurs in nature must not use unnatural methods to do so. Think of the horrors inflicted on animals, as if anesthetizing a little monkey and pouring milliliters of fluid down its gullet in any way mimics what happens in nature. Or that cutting open the brain of any animal and injecting some culture soup into it happens everyday in the real world. These experiments are so fraudulent on their face that when one applies critical thinking it is a wonder it took me so many decades to see the fraud in what is called scientific method today in the medical field.

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"it is a wonder it took me so many decades to see the fraud "

That's because it didn't sort of matter -- it wasn't until the bastards pulled their tyrannical scamdemic and locked us down and pushed masking and reduced the number of people allowed in a room or shop or on a bus...stand 6 feet apart...keep the windows open on the bus in the dead of winter...

If it wasn't for that shite, I would never have been searching Youtube in June 2020 using the term "scamdemic" -- and what video is listed in my recommended videos sidebar? Something with a title like VIRUSES DON'T EXIST -- and before 2020 I would not have bothered clicking it. But I did click on it, and it turned out to be a repost of an Andrew Kaufman presentation called Rooster in the River of Rats. He seemed sincere. He explained things simply & concisely. I felt a revelation coming on. I watched all the videos I could find of him being interviewed. This led to Amandha Vollmer, Stefan Lanka, and Tom Cowan. I found and scrutinized actual virus papers from PubMed. Started making videos about the Germ Theory Fraud around October 2020. The rest is history.

What triggered your revelation?

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I suppose mine started earlier, when Trump got elected and the people went crazy. I must admit I was a bit shocked when he became president, but what shocked me more was that those who wanted to take him down could have done so, but didn’t because a light would be shined on their own financial crookedness.

Instead Trump was used to divide people and keep us embroiled in another massive fraud – Russiagate, which caused people to lose any perspective and ability to think critically. They were willing to throw out any factual evidence or lack thereof as long as Trump could be got. I could see it, but friends would not listen. It was as if they were deaf dumb and blind to all but their bias and hatred for Trump. On the other side, were many working people who saw Trump as representative of their issues, no matter that he was obviously pandering to whatever made people cheer.

Now I knew 911 was an inside job and I also knew there was something fishy about the AIDs story...I knew AZT was killing people because I not only researched it, I saw it first-hand. Acquaintances dying after being diagnosed and given that cocktail, which now has gotten less toxic so it takes longer to kill….but kill it does.

So fast forward to 2020, when we were told there was a pandemic and we needed to mask up and keep six feet apart and sanitize our hands anytime we touched anything or god forbid anyone. How ridiculous that was…I laughed outloud and was bemused that people followed those orders religiously. And Trump was used to divide us again. Anything he said was not to be listened to or was now gospel because he said it. And, I remembered how the story had built up. How we began hearing in late 2019 that a cruise ship of elderly vacationers was quarantined off shore because of some unknown flu/pneumonia/illness. I took note of that and stored it in memory. Then the story of a new virus in China and images of people falling down in the street and people dressed in hazmat suits and full-face masks running to them. Seriously? What a joke…I thought. Were these hazmatted folks just standing around waiting for someone to keel over?

I started researching and within two weeks after lockdowns were imposed was 100% positive the entire pandemic was a scam. I discovered Event 201, a nail in pandemic's coffin in my mind.

If the pandemic is a scam, I thought, what of the novel virus? I figured it was a scam also, especially as the flu cases disappeared.

Continued researching. I found Prof. Fabio Vighi who focused on the financial situation as reason why the false flag was orchestrated when it was. I looked into so much…5G as a possible cause of sickness in Italy and New York. I traveled down any avenue that looked reasonable to investigate. Once I was sure, based on my research and thanks to those I learned from, that the PCR was not a diagnostic tool and that it was being used to create and uphold the case-demic, I looked into the existence of sars coV2 and covid19. It was difficult because I didn’t know how to navigate and understand the studies and cut through the pseudoscientific fluff and obfuscation. But I persisted until I could understand the studies and the lack of controls and the bogus methods used.

Eventually I was introduced to Andrew Kaufman and Cowan, and was a bit leery of them. But I honed my understanding of the scientific method. Once I was sure sars coV2 had never been proven to exist and the entire deadly outbreak was a sham I started begging my friends and associates to steer clear of the mRNA vaccines…because obviously if there is no deadly virus there is no need for a vaccine, especially an experimental one.

Thanks to the Bailey’s (Drs. Sam and Mark), the Perth Group, Jon Rappaport, Mike Stone, Eric Francis Coppolino and yes, Kaufman and Cowan and a few others I began to understand the horrible scope of the fraud that has perpetrated on humanity by the medical cartel. The fraud of virology.

Unfortunately, there is a struggle between folks who believe the “virus” and the vaccine are both bioweapons manufactured in a lab and those of us who understand virology itself is a fraud. and viruses have never been proven to exist. Those who believe in viruses now want us to be very afraid of not only deadly microbes but microbes made even more deadly by the powers that be using gain of function.

And I am weary of all of it, but can’t give up trying to spread reason and verifiable evidence. I am always heartened to find another who has seen the light on this. We have to keep on keeping on in 2024.

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Thank you for that. It's always nice to hear how revelation occurred.

"but microbes made even more deadly by the powers that be using gain of function."

Anyone willing to look at a video recommendation from you might find this one interesting: GAIN OF FUNCTION BIOWEAPONS DON'T EXIST -- STEFAN LANKA https://www.bitchute.com/video/t4tRk0OCqpc7/

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And then we come to the really big lie....the pandemic itself. The one even you who are grasping the damage these so-called gene therapies are doing still will not broach. Being this: there was no pandemic. It was a complete sham. There was no "novel virus" discovered at all. The entire false flag event that was rehearsed in October 2019 in Event 201; that kicked the collapse of the financial Ponzi scheme further down the road when Blackrock's Going Direct plan was implemented; killed a number of birds the powers that be needed killed with one scamdemic stone. The big lie of no novel virus and no pandemic reveals what? Well, it reveals that NO VACCINE was needed because there was no novel virus. But the scamdemic provided Big Pharma millions of willing (and unwilling) guinea pigs. Take a deep dive and research just how the pandemic was fabricated, along with the existence of sars coV2. If you take on studying the "science" around mRNA, please take on the study of how scientists claim they "found" a novel virus and created a test and a co-called vaccine for it and you will come to the conclusion that I stated above. There was no need for a vaccine because there never was a novel virus sars coV2. One step at a time, folks, but once you see clearly the fraud behind covid, you will not be able to stop. It will lead you into researching deeply until you understand how the medical cartel has hijacked the health of the world's people with the pseudoscience of virology. What do you all think?

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Yes, indeed. Watch the interview I post at the end of this,

By targeting hospitals and doctors while cutting off water, food and electricity and concentrating Palestinians into smaller and smaller zones of death in Gaza, the Israelis are creating a public health crisis that will kill even more Palestinians with infectious diseases.

To discuss this and more, Rania Khalek was joined by Lebanese medical doctor and public health researcher Anis Germany.



Real "do lots of harm" Jewish Medical Values.

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