In human terms, over my lifetime, the degree of shared interest, curiosity, fascination or amusement in other people, in each other, in those in our personal, professional and other shared environments, is much diminished. The world we live in has become progressively less engaging of our humanity and that has made people of less interest to each other. Propaganda is correspondingly different now in comparison to how it was in other times. Its effectiveness lies in its atomised, disconbobulated character: to be effective it shouldn't engage people to the extent that they might really engage with it and reflect: that would risk having the effect that people become more able to think around and about issues and subjects and their own place in what goes on in the world. Thankyou Johan, for your fascinating thoughts and insights. John

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Psyop is the order of the day. Wolves leading sheeple. Two components of a lie, the assertion and its acceptance. Reject and challenge falsehoods. Stand and defend the truth. The conspiracy and war is against all humanity.

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Yes. That's all there is to it, really.

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