Sep 17Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

Great projections and analysis, for sure.

But . . . .

It's 2024, and, yes, Daniel Quinn and Ishmael is so apropos on many levels of those who are leavers and others who are takers, but now? This taking and those takings are on a monumental level.

The body snatchers has turned into the mind snatchers. The settler colonial state of mind, right into the pledge of Monroe Doctrine or Manifest Destiny, well, that has morphed many thousands and tens of thousands of ways in this dirty land of snakes.

Joy? Is that the mind-storm of 2024? That millions are dying because of, yes, the deplorables' in the West decision and no decision making, that is, all of EuroTrashLandia, Klanada, in that Murdering Jewish State of Raping Poisoning Starving Maiming Burning of Palestiniansm, and there is even fucking room to placate the idiocy of joy or happiness in a fucking election.

POTUS is about destroying Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Yemen, North Korea, any number of other Latin American countries, and other African countries. We have a disease where JOY can be part of a headline in Time or AP or Newsweek when that 'Joy" is part and parcel part of the POTUS and VP team of the Final SOlution.

How can any of these cunts -- if they were human, connected to even small circles, or even connected to the reality of the world stage, the destruction of Capital under AmeriKKKan rule -- have joy?

Do you not wake up sweating with this current genocide unfolding? No problem with the Edward Bernays Dirty Tricks of the Zyklon Blinken and his Allegiance to Jews and Judaism in that stolen land?

No fucking fear of the brain-storming and washing and agnotology unfolding because of a small tribe of people -- Jews, mostly -- deciding what should be, well, read, watched, learned, taught, eaten, held, dreamed of, hoped for, built and destroyed?

Forget the mumbo jumbo of magic or narrative framing or any other concepts which you do well to lay out here, not to say what you write is worthy of a tequila night with stars above the embers lifting from a Sonora fire.

But the West for all intents and purposes is the place of the deplorables -- flyoever state deplorables, Jerry Springer deplorables, Ivy League School deplorables, media deplorables, political deplorables, billionaire deplorables, scientific deplorables, and, well, you get the vast range of deplorables, whether Bezos or PMC in the middling categories.

You got no right to any fucking joy unless, well, you are spiritually and culturally lobotomized.

Imagine the sheer putridity of all the candidates on the stages of these past 100 years of AmeriKKKan presidential and senatorial elections. Christ, Emoff-Harris or Kushner-Trump? But recall the Bush years and the Clinton years and the Obama years and Reagan and Carter and Nixon, Ford, Christ, and then Joe "I have Jew grandkiddos and a Jew son in law doc in the family" Biden.

And yet, here we are -- NATO and EuroTrashLandia and direct war with Russia, and here we are, Adolph Netanyahu on his tizzy to advance war with Lebanon, and then we talk of these fucking smirking Homo Consumo-Bellun-Sapiens?

Thanks for the philosophical and allegorical look through a sociological and cultural set of lenses.

Here, more of the direct attack. Sorry to bug you:


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The comments here are great too but my reaction is gratitude. You seem to get much closer to explaining the otherwise completely inexplicable reversals of what years ago I believed were meaningful values and principles held by my friends and family (and that were more or less standard). These are all inverted now into their opposites and people seem to revel in that. Some kind of evil magic indeed (and even that’s not enough, long term annihilation of any kind of foundation whatsoever, as you describe, seems for sure necessary for such extremism to take root). What else can it be?

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Excellent article, but I think you give American voters too much slack. Fewer than half of eligible people vote. Those that do so seem to vote out of some sort of vague civic obilgation, but they operate in absolute bad faith. They know that both major candidates are sworn to more genocide, accelerating the path to WW III, protecting the interests of major banks and spying illegally on US citizens. These are all poicies the overwhelming majority of them oppose, yet they vote for it. They are not struck by magical propaganda. Their bad faith allows them to ignore the horrors they are supporting while pretending to have no choice. They don't want to kill children but, well, you HAVE TO VOTE FOR SOMEONE, right?

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It's interesting. I sure like your writing - and I enjoy your conversing with the group - do you do more video posts somewhere? You seem able to get to the heart of the matter within a discussion.

I am grateful to substack for the sense of conversation that goes on - at least it stimulates better conversations in my own head.

Honestly, I feel so reactive these days. How can any real human's moral outrage not be utterly ringing these days with the nakedness of the evil, the violence and the lie. And I hate the lies the most. 9/11 was a shocking new development of mind fuckery at a global scale - I still don't know what went down, but convoluted free energy tech misused is not out of the question. And what the hell was covid anyway?

We desperately need healing, the healthy feminine voice, the grandmothers leading, and the indigenous ways honored for maintaining the sacred hoop. Ceremony and ritual space, rites of passage - these things are so precious and belong to all humans. Liminality, for Heaven's sake. Leaders from all walks of life, wise children, honest prophets, fiddlers :)

Maybe end circumcision and vaccinating infants unnecessarily. Cuz Reality Matters.

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Great essay. Magic is afoot with the ascendency of Kamala Harris, and not in a good way.

The concluding Feyerabend quote brings to mind a book I’m reading now. Are you familiar with David Bentley Hart? His latest title “All Things are Filled with Gods”, is amazingly aligned with your (and Feyerabend’s) thought.

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