Wow. That poem could have been written yesterday.

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It's important for folks to wake up and see the looming disaster that seems far off public radar. Some days it's hard to guess whether greed or insanity is the dominant political policy determinant. It's brutal finding informed opinions but few better than former CIA analyst Ray McGovern & former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter recently banned by Twitter.

Ray was CIA's Russia specialist for decades, has met Putin and others at all the historic events & did POTUS daily briefs. Scott is the whistleblower UN weapons inspector who said there were no WMDs in Iraq and Garland as smart & informed as he is good hearted. Brilliant discussion of politics and strategy with no happy forecasts.


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Thanks, this is great.

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Always my pleasure, knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on, lucky us. Since the Twitter ban he has a telegram "Scott Ritter" w mostly Ukraine focus.. sorry no clue how to find a url for those & Garland is fab follow in general w daily live Sputnik Radio show & Rokfin channel. :~)

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I am very distressed right now that the so called left in Europe is unable to understand the hole we are all dragged in. Only a few people, no Kremlin symphatizers, are mature enough to really call for peace without conditions. If the humanity is speeding towards the nuclear holocaust there will be no saviors, no winners, nothing, just a dead planet.

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NATO: a militarily impotent leech.

…like Covid interventions.

COVID Interventions: medically impotent societal leaching

Swill Baits

JOINING: pulling up alongside sinking Titanic: “Hey got room aboard?”

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https://youtu.be/OyyQ2XRPOnI….old Charlie stole the handle…

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How one can negotiation with Putin? There is the humanitarian catastrophe in Azovstal, Mariupol with more than 600 injured trapped in underground and in the whole Mariupol with ca. 100,000 civilians trapped in the city, in which 90% houses are destroyed, without clean water, food, medications and huge number of corpses under ruins and huge death rate. RF troops blocked the check points of evacuation to Ukraine and send people into the filtration/concentration camps to move them to Far East/Siberia in RF. What world can do right now? Negotiate? It seems all who could be involved are involved, including French president with his numerous conversations with his pal, Turkey as the 3d party, UM, Red Cross, you name it.. That is just one relatively local humanitarian issue... Solution?

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Is your point that the Russian Federation is completely and utterly irrational, acting contrary to its own interests towards the end goal of complete occupation of Europe, and that the only solution to this situation is total war?

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very very good, hard not to agree with him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=20bNejrr_6M

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RF recognise only the language of force. It is rational in its own sense and follow its own agenda regardless the cost of human lives. That was always the language and attitude of Russian Empire /USSR and now RF. We do not know their goal, either final or intermediate. But Empire needs to expand and needs perpetual wars. That what Putin did during all his rule - 2d war in Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, creating "local" conflicts in Nagorno Karabakh involving both Armenia and Azerbaijan, Moldova-Pridnestyrovie ets. Of course RF cannot occupy Europe. It cannot occupy even Finland as the intelligence person said in the link within your discussion tread. But RF creates tensions in all neighbouring states and thrive on these. This is why all these states look to NATO as the alternative. Not from the geopolitical point of view but simply as the protection from neighbour. Concerning the negotiation with Putin - Ukraine tried to negotiate for 22 year and how it ended. Apart from geopolitical matters, which the western people love to discuss, there is also the history of Ukraine as some specific country with 44 mln people and rebellious Ukrainian character, that was always threat for Putin, that was much before the Orange revolution and Maidan and going back to all history of RF-Ukraine relationships. In any case Putin values only strength and living under RF occupation is not an option for all RF neighbours, including Swedes, I would imagine... Still that is a puzzle why Putin thought that he can take all Ukraine? He did not succeed even at the East, as the intel. expert has claimed. He did not take the rest of the Lughansk Regions - i.e. he is burning Severo Donezk, Rubeznoe and Lisichansk, but did not take them. RF could not go across Seversky Donez river in order to continue the offensive on Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, I believe they would not be able to do so, not mentioning Dnipro river as the same intel. expert has mentioned.. ...

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