Jul 10Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

This childlike ignorance is not particular to Sweden. It is the whole Western class of the political medial complex.

Here in Germany we have the same type of people in the same offices. They like to jet around for nothing (while fighting climate changes), and attend every medial opportunity to show themselves with soldiers, tanks, in flak jackets.

In the West, we have generated an amorphous smear of faceless, ignorant bureaucrats who are glorified as if they are running the country. Worse of all, they really do.

How did it come to that?

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I think that's exactly true.

"In the West, we have generated an amorphous smear of faceless, ignorant bureaucrats who are glorified as if they are running the country. Worse of all, they really do."

This sums it up so well. We have glorified managers and not actual leaders. The political classes within the party structure have institutionalized this kind of character at the upper echelons of the "puppet states" that European nations have become.

I think Max Weber's "Politik als Beruf" and some of Robert Michel's work regarding the tendencies towards corruption within the Social Democratic party of Germany (1920s) give some very interesting explanatory models for the early emergence of this sort of structure.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

“Late, and childish.”

Yeah but that’s understatement. Sweden arrives at the party, after the party’s over.

But that’s the lesser issue.

Childlike doesn’t fit.

Kids have high situational awareness.

Mentally stunted child is more apt.

No ‘big daddy’ is coming to your rescue after you throw your punch.

Daddy is a shadow of his former self, and even in his prime, that former self was mostly myth pumped up huffing its own gas.

This shadow has nothing to do with Biden, though when you look in the mirror of American decline you see Biden reflecting it.

You think this is the New American Century?

Think again.

Sweden should make smaller aims. Like last time, maybe hunt, to the west, for some scraps that may be left…


It’s been a really neat run though.

What happened in 1997?


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You're right. I shouldn't denigrate children in this way. I still seem to cling to this modern Western notion that kids are basically only incomplete adults.

"Sweden should make smaller aims. Like last time, maybe hunt, to the west, for some scraps that may be left…"

Or at the very least try to plan for a moderately acceptable outcome rather than antagonizing the only regional power as much as possible. We need an entirely new leadership in that country.

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Which country? 🤪 Yeah kids are typically much more situation aware and common sense equipped than these stooges who are either at the lowest point of decline down a long slide that started at subaverage to begin with, and or are plain grifters.

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