Feb 6Edited

I see answers in your post and like others have outlined, we already live in this world of strange control and thought corralling.

My sense is that we need to go offline, as much as possible. It seems to me that there is virtually no way to use digital places to 1) build trust with people (who is even real?) 2) be certain of the validity of information we are receiving (what is real?) 3) Act "authentically"

I will readily admit that people I have followed I now view as charlatan's and outright perspective managers, that I was completely swept up to the point of admonition of other viewpoints. Even those I follow now I wonder about as my perspective starts to fit too neatly, but we are in the eye of a storm, how can anything be clear? I find this is more relevant in current events, versus broader overarching topics like this post.

Where this feeling of neatness falls apart, and hard, is in person. Trying to talk to anyone about anything you hear about online is practically impossible. People feel this, we live in avatars and false personas online, I seriously doubt anyone can act in person as they do online. The ground is shifting under our feet daily and in person it is not possible to compartmentalize other viewpoints as easily when facing another person.

The stability we need is in the people around us. What matters to us is where we put our time and attention. If anyone else has worked through a "Digital detox" or cut out some form of media they can relate to that feeling of 'why was this so important to me?'

Aristotle wrote, "Hence we ought to examine what has been said by applying it to what we do, and how we live; and if it harmonizes with what we do, we should accept it, but it conflicts we should count it [mere] words."

We fight back by removing ourselves from the space. How could an AI infiltrate a group meeting in person? How could logically.ai read your handwritten thoughts? Or follow a meeting of like-minded people who leave their electronics at home, we don't need any of this tech reliance.

I think the key is ourselves caring about what happens next door then what happens across the planet in every home at all times, the problems we spend our time thinking of and agonizing over are too large to hold within our hands.

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I agree entirely. "The Medium is the message" I know its McLuhan but I think of it as Ellul would. No matter the content, as long as we are on their networks we are trapped.

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I particularly agree with your statements

""We fight back by removing ourselves from the space. ...." and

the" key is ourselves caring about what happens next door"...."

as a practical matter it seems that we should delete social media and add new modalities of PEER TO PEER communication that lack a third party such as a government , ISP provider, or other corporation. At the local community we might consider meshtastic (text only but very private) and long distance direct messages via radio without an intervening party.

A big underlying issue is our need to focus on truth searching. The US courts have struggled more than 200 years with developing systems of dialogue to discover and focus on truth.. The tricks used there can be applied to the internet, things such as the poster promises to correctly identify himself and formally agrees that knowingly false statements will incur liability, opportunity to challenge statements, identification of conflicts and biases that might influence the poster's viewpoint etc. Such system could be adapted to internet communications but I have found that people generally dont want to deal with time consuming procedure but just sit down at a keyboard and start squirting unsubstantiated nonsense under false pretenses and unknown identity without taking any responsibility.

We need to bring back reputation and responsibility to our interpersonal communications that take place over the internet. I would like to for example meet Johan and you (and others here) in person but am on a small rural island in Japan. (www.yugeshima.com) If we use the internet and bypass normal cues and identification and verification of face to face communication, most of the problems discussed will always emerge. We need to add back reputation and responsibility to our internet communications.

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Oh, we already live in that fucking world, first, with pee tests, background checks, credit checks, fines, taxes, tolls, penalities, tickets, forced non-disclosures, etc., etc.

Go to that fucking airport, and those fuckers check your junk, scan your boobs, look at your fucking feet, and the whole nine yards.

So, the tools of Austism Specrtumy mostly Tel Aviv Wadi Valley and Little Tel Aviv Silcon Valley pukes, well well, just ramping it all up to a higher level.

But we have shifting baseline disease, and we should have fought the fucking law who has the right to kick in the wrong fucking door, rip up the furnishings and then you and I are shit out of luck attempting to get the city or county pay pay pay.

This fucking Substack -- AI and digitalization of algorithms to push or pull back this or that Substack Star or Rising Star.

You give these Mossad and MI6 and CIA and DARPA and DoD and NSA and Jewish Elbit and Pegasus Freaks an inch, they will then take a mile and a million lives very quickly.

Fun here last night with the multimillionaire liars, the creatives, those pukes.


For a little fucking fun, read:

War Criminal Bride Obama Wins (sic) Another Grammy While Jews at Harvard Get the Kiddos Lock-stepping ....


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I'm not sure if this is something to be that afraid of because the solution will simply be unplugging and going offline. All media will just become very obviously crap propaganda, and when that happens people will simply leave digital media behind like they left print media behind. Obviously this won't be everyone, some will choose to stay but unfortunately for the tik tokers and zoomers brutal natural selections will kick in and their lifestyle will be a self extinguishing phenomenon. Like in other civilisations throughout history the soft and lazy types will be overrun by a more energetic and virile type.

Now of course they are trying to build out a digital prison in terms of currency and the like, but this will fail outside of those places who really want to live in the prison. People are already furious everywhere and the globalist crowd are running scared. The larger macro trends probably mean it all goes downhill anyway into conflict and depravation but in that there at least is freedom in some sense.

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This question just occurred to me: Does the I in AI refer to intelligence in the sense used in spycraft? It’s not about being intelligent. It’s information gathering about potential enemies.

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This is a great article, really important. Especially for the analysis on how influencers are not just shadow banned, but how they are also utilised to further shape and control opinions.

I wish that this could be more broadly understood, that people were better able to read such analysis. Sadly, I feel that the ability to read longform content has been dissipated by the very "weapons of mass distraction" that you refer to here.

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Important. First line of countering is awareness. Thank you!

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Thanks. It is important to know. I am getting an AI enhanced “smart phone” this week, a Samsung S24. I would imagine that the goodies you describe will come pre-loaded. Samsung has been know to watch and eavesdrop with microphones and cameras in the past.

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I see a few potential problems with the AI Panopticon:

1. It is by necessity resource intensive, in a time when all industrial society is facing increasingly severe resource shortfalls.

2. The purpose of such a system, right now, is to neutralize the fallout of the profound insanity and stupidity demonstrated by the ruling elite. It does nothing to address the insanity and stupidity, and in fact will enable it, so we will continue to see a constant string of costly "whoopsie-doodilies."

3. The people designing these systems have strong ties to the ruling elite, and so they will be vulnerable to contagion by that same insanity and stupidity.

4. The whole scheme assumes that humans come born with smartphones welded into their hands. Meanwhile, the West routinely antagonizes China, where a lot of these devices are made. Let's say President Alzheimer manages to get us into a shooting war with China. Where the fuck is your iPhone 20 going to come from then?

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The Midas touch.

Everything it touches, and everything anyone touches, turns completely to shit.

There’s no fighting this.

There’s only watching it continue to its own conclusion: everything turned to shit. everything dead

Everything dead is a few steps further down the road, but already here at this point, Logically.AI is precisely logically the next step. We live in a world like this: there are 2 people in conversation. Me and You. You think coherently. You communicate in a straightforward way. You say what you mean and what you mean is no mystery. You also evaluate what I say. Your characterizations are coherent.

My way is different. I accuse you, always and without reason. And I characterize everything you say as “misinformation.”

I am Midas. I enshittify everything I touch. I touch myself with this, auto-undermine myself, turn myself to shit.

A civilizational death-touch.

Not a recipe for survival, let alone health.

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