Jan 28, 2023Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

Excellent advice. I've used 1, 2, and 3, always in combination with 4. First year I dropped 50 lbs. Second year I got down to about 14% body fat, and was starting to get fairly shredded.

Weight training is hugely important. Caloric restriction on its own will be catabolic - the body will cannibalize that metabolically expensive muscle tissue before letting go of that valuable fat, so you'll lose weight but end up weak. Aiming for about 1 lb per week of weight loss while reminding the body that it needs that muscle by regularly challenging it with resistance training is the only way to go if the goal is to be fit and strong.

The other advantage of weight training is the afterburn effect. Repairing muscle tissue is metabolically demanding, meaning lots of calories get burned after the workout. The same is not true for cardio.

One thing I found worked well with fasting was to do my workout in the morning - weights, then a long walk of 5 miles or so, and during the summer finishing with a few dozen laps in the pool and 20 min or so of sunbathing. Then breakfast. By that point you're ravenous, but while working out the body can be trained to forget about the gastrointestinal system for a while.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

Not to mention that the juicy turkey of hunter gatherer days had not been confined and artificially fattened for his whole life. My mother grew up rural poor, and used to say that chicken didn't taste like chicken any more; too many hormones and too little roosting in trees I guess.

but overall, the idea that we need surgical and medical interventions for everything is some strange sci-fi fantasy, really. But more nefarious on the part of dubious institutions like the american soc of pediatrics (who also support the "covid" jab for children).

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

Excellent wisdom. Regarding the unique dangers of combining highly refined carbohydrates with fat (leading to "leaky gut"), I can recommend an episode of Ivor Cummins' The Fat Emperor podcast with researcher Gabor Erdosi. https://thefatemperor.com/3861-2/

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Wait wait wait. Please say more about the whole ice bath and window open in winter thing. How does that make you lose weight?

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My bit of advice would be, if a person is considering changes to diet and exercise, make sure it's something they can sustain over the course of years. The cliche here in America is the person who makes the New Year's resolution to get in shape, gets a gym membership, and goes twice before giving up.

The goal is not to make a cosmetic change, but a permanent shift in lifestyle. Maybe you can't benchpress your own bodyweight, but maybe you can do five bodyweight squats each day. Throw in five situps, five jumping jacks, and five pushups, and you got yourself a workout, baby!

Also, notice the subtle messaging from the authorities: "You're fat and hideous and there's nothing you can do about it. Let us carve you up and medicate you."

People in America overeat because we tend to be isolated emotional wrecks (or so it seems to me), and the White House's messaging takes advantage of that.

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1. Calorie Counting - goes against current understanding of metabolism and leaves people craving more food.

4. You cannot run away from a crappy diet. Fitness is a great helper, obviously, but its more like 20% of the solution with diet being 80%.

You need to understand intermittent fasting better:


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