Mar 1, 2023Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

“And it’s not so much the act itself that’s horrifying. It’s that the bare thought itself does not cause immediate revulsion in the perpetrators, that it’s not recognized for what it is, for spelling the end of history, of the humanities, of every scientific discipline of civilization.”

Yep. I’m beyond horrified at this. It’s as bad as book-burning. Probably worse. And the fact that it’s being perpetrated by “my” side (although I’m coming to identify less and less with the Left, now considering myself as part of the ever-growing cadre of “politically homeless”) is beyond horrifying. What is happening to us?

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by laughlyn (johan eddebo)

Do ethnicity and heritage reside in the genes?

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I feel like there's some kind of messaging going on with that photo of the woman lit by her phone. I'm not quite sure what, though. Maybe something like, "This woman is just like you, a slave to her phone! Unlike those DEMON RUSSIANS!"

I think the Ukraine Nazi angle is relevant, mostly for the crazy-making hypocrisy of the media, but there's no point in arguing about it. Every article about Ukrainian corruption and violence prior to 2022 has vanished into the depths of our cultural amnesia.

And I don't have the energy to deal with the guaranteed rebuttal of "But Putin is Hitler!"

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

I don’t see any problem with wanting to preserve your ethnicity and heritage. More power to them and Boer Farmers too.

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